BIO Leadership Team (BLT) gather at Zucco's for a planning meeting
We act towards justice by building relationships within our communities
and across lines of difference, developing our leaders' skills in the public arena,
and taking action on issues of common concern.
MICAH - Virtual Celebration
The Judeo/Christian prophet reminds us in Micah 6:8. God wants us to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God
From local faith community outreach actions to countywide collaborations through BIO, community organizing helps us answer the call of MICAH, building power, by working together, to make the changes needed in our county.
Volunteer Community Car Ride Service Campaign
We're building relationships between those facing transportation challenges and regional power brokers, researching and developing innovative models for statewide transportation, and pushing for their implementation.
We act towards justice by building relationships within our communities
and across lines of difference, developing our leaders' skills in the public arena,
and taking action on issues of common concern.
The Berkshire Eagle December 16, 2022
Work and Family Mobility Act celebrated as a beacon for the future
To the editor:
The Latino/a community came together this past weekend to celebrate the successful campaign that resulted in the passage of the Work and Family Mobility Act and to honor state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, whose leadership and determination were instrumental in making this law a reality.
In her remarks to those present, Rep. Farley-Bouvier explained to those gathered the long history behind this new law. She explained that before 9/11 immigrant status was not connected to one’s ability to get a driver’s license.
But as we all remember, our country was changed forever by the devastating loss of many innocent lives in the vicious destruction of the Twin Towers on that fateful day. Many changes occurred in our country, even boarding an airplane flight might never be the same. The Department of Homeland Security was established. Our collective sense of anxiety and fear increased.
As I looked around the room at the Latina fiesta, with its joyful people, excellent buffet and even a DJ that made conversation just a little difficult, I realized how much the Latino/a population was affected by the fear and anxiety of the “other,” which now lives among us and has increased in recent years. Something as normal, yet essential as a driver’s license in the hands of an immigrant became suspicious. It became a threat to some people in our state.
Rep. Farley-Bouvier acknowledged that in the early years of working on the Family and Mobility Act, it was an uphill battle because she was fighting alone. She could draw the contrast between then and now. This time the immigrant community led the way and she supported them.
To the Latino community in the Berkshires, I congratulate your courage and commitment. I thank you for the privilege of bearing witness to this important event. May it be a beacon for the future.
Rev. Laura N. O’Shaughnessy, Lee
The writer is a member of the Leadership Team of Berkshire Interfaith Organizing (BIO).
"Organizing is a magic, born of materials we all have:
stories, interest in others, being moved to action on behalf of relationships…
all these elements coming together deepens and enriches community."
- Martha Congdon, Past BIO President